winner’s stories

Every week, over 25,000 fantastic supporters like you play the Crackerjackpot.

With 81 guaranteed weekly prizes including a £2,000 jackpot, plus a weekly rollover, over £150,000 of prizes are given out every year!

If that wasn’t enough, every supporter helps make an impact in people’s lives by providing vital care and support when it’s needed most.

Click below to read more about some of the many Crackerjackpot winner’s stories:

Marion Lottery Winner
£2,000 winner

Marion was all smiles when she found out about her lottery win, phoning her best friend straight away.

Mr and Mrs Gibbs
Mr and Mrs Gibbs
£7,500 winner

Mr and Mrs Gibbs were surprised with a knock on the door and presented with a cheque for £7,500

Previous Lottery Winner
Mrs Thomas
£2,500 winner

Mrs Thomas has been playing Crackerjackpot since 2009 and wanted to support a children’s charity.

Previous Lottery Winner
Mrs Miller
£3,000 winner

A player for years, Mrs Miller has been forgot that she was playing the lottery and was thrilled to find out she has won the jackpot!